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A field of red tulips in bloom under sunlight, with sharp focus on the foreground flowers and a blurred background.
P.L. Light Projects

JC Green

JC Green is a customer focused Canadian licensed producer (LP) of high quality, craft cannabis.  Set amongst acres of corn and soy in the outskirts of London, Ontario, JC Green grows cannabis in a unique setting – an old school building.  Coincidentally it is also the same school that JC Green owner Rob O’Neill attended when he was a student. From 2009 to 2016 it lay empty and abandoned until he purchased it in 2016 with the dream of starting a Canadian LP.  JC Green stands for Jonny Chronic and is dedicated to Rob’s brother who was an advocate for medicinal cannabis while battling cancer.  This is what drives the dedicated and knowledgeable team to grow the highest quality of medicinal cannabis they can – and as cultivation manager Easton Klaudi emphasized – their first focus is always the customer (patient).

JC Green Cannabis thrives in our indoor cultivation room, where pink grow lights cast a gentle glow over rows of lush, leafy green plants.
Project Details

Location: Thorndale, ON, Canada

Crop: Cannabis

Luminaire: TriPlane Linear (SQ Configuration)

Luminaire: NXT-LP (Alpha Reflector)

Project Results

JC Green has a 20,000 square foot facility including one clone room, one vegetative room and 3 flower rooms. They also hold a license for outdoor cannabis production with the capacity to grow up to 100 acres. JC Green takes the slower approach to growing by hand trimming and performing more value-added tasks to ensure each plant is getting the care it deserves.  This care and commitment translates into their final product where they see improved terpene profiles, cannabinoid content and better aroma and appearance.

JC Green is always focused on the customer and striving to grow in the most environmentally and sustainable ways possible.  They use a spray free approach to growing―utilizing biocontrols and a dialed in HVAC system to control pests and disease.

Genetics hold the key to the unique properties that influence the final product in cannabis growing. JC Green takes pride in their genetics program, where they will grow and trial over 135 strains of cannabis, assessing them for unique terpene profiles, higher cannabinoids, and how they grow and react in their environment.  In addition to having their own unique genetics not found elsewhere in Canada, they also have begun selling clones to other Canadian LPs looking to grow exceptional plants.

Full RWMB LED Flower Room 

A high-quality, craft approach to growing is what sets JC Green apart from other growers and when looking for lighting solutions in their vegetative and flowering rooms they turned to P.L. Light Systems to find solutions that worked within their space.  For both their vegetative / mother room, as well as their three flower rooms, they originally installed the NXT-LP designed for low ceiling applications in 2019.

Sales manager Christine and JC Green cultivation manager Easton Klaudi checking light levels in the original HPS flower rooms

Since JC Green is focused on delivering the highest quality product with the optimum level of terpenes and cannabinoids, knowing what light levels and spectrums work for what strain was important in reaching their goals. So, in order to gain a clearer understanding between cannabis cultivation, light intensity, and light spectrum, JC green and P.L. Light Systems embarked on a
lighting trial in 2023, during which various strains of cannabis were subjected to different light treatmentsincluding full HPS,
a hybrid LED-HPS system and full LED installations.

P.L. Light Systems is very proud to be partnering with the JC Green team, who are constantly pushing the envelope with their science-led approach to cultivation, on this ongoing research project.

You can download the trial research report, here. To learn more about JC Green, visit their website at:

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