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P.L. Light Projects

Pine Ridge Gardens

Since 1990, Pine Ridge Gardens have been supplying Canada and the United States with premium quality, large and mini Gerbera Daisies from their high-tech greenhouses in Dunnville, ON.

Project Details

Location: Dunnville, ON

Crop: Gerbera Daisies

Luminaire: NXT2

Reflector: Alpha

Project Results

Gerbera Daisies are among the top 5 most popular cut flowers in North America and require consistent light intensities to grow long stems with strong flowers heads.  Since 1990 Pine Ridge Gardens have been supplying Canada and the United States with premium quality, large and mini Gerbera Daisies from their high-tech greenhouses in Dunnville, ON.

The NXT2 HPS luminaires with Alpha reflectors help uniformly distribute the light over the crop surface

They grow their Gerberas year-round and getting long stems, large buds and an extended post-harvest vase life can be difficult in areas like Southern Ontario, which experiences low light levels in late fall, winter, and early spring months.  This is because on average Gerberas need a DLI around 20 moles per day, and in winter months DLIs in this region can be as low as 3 or 5 moles per day.  To keep quality consistent and to ensure long stems with strong buds, they needed a reliable and efficient supplemental lighting system.  They therefore chose to install P.L. Light Systems’ NXT2 HPS luminaires with Alpha reflectors – which helps to uniformly distribute the light over the crop and as well as direct it down into the canopy.  The HPS luminaires also provide a higher red spectrum, which is perfect for flowering, increasing bud size and elongating stem lengths.  In addition, since they can have cold temperatures in the winter, the radiant heat emitted by the lamps provide heat that the plants can use for growth and development, and helps to reduce humidity levels in the greenhouse.

Head grower Dan Lindeboom

To learn more about Pine Ridge Gardens visit their website at: Pine Ridge Gardens, Producer of Large and Mini Gerberas

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