DeGoede Farms
Founded in 2016 by father & son team, Ben and Benjamin DeGoede, DeGoede Farms is on a mission to help bring local, year round organic greens and herbs to Western Washington.

Founded in 2016 by father & son team, Ben and Benjamin DeGoede, DeGoede Farms is on a mission to help bring local, year round organic greens and herbs to Western Washington.
Location: Sumner, WA, USA
Crop: Lettuce
Luminaire: HortiLED TOP
Spectrum: Red/Blue (MB)
Growers Ben and Benjamin DeGoede are growing lettuce hydroponically in their Sumner, WA greenhouse. Winters in Washington State tend to be pretty dark, with a mere 6 to 8 hours of daylight. Given that lettuce is a long day plant, and requires approximately 14 hours of light, supplemental lighting is essential for year-round production. At DeGoede Farms, the plants are grown in nutrient-rich water under P.L. Light Systems’ HortiLED TOP luminaires with a red/blue (medium blue) spectrum.
The DeGoedes have seen a noticeable difference in their plants since the installation of the HortiLED TOP luminaires. The growth habit of the lettuce is more compact and even, and the red lettuce has coloured up beautifully.
Currently, Windmill Gardens is growing three types of lettuce: romaine lettuce, mixed and red butter bib, as well as several herbs, including basil.
Visit their website, and follow DeGoede Farms on Facebook and Instagram.