P. L. Light Systems Expert Articles: How to Set Yourself Apart from Your Market Competitors

The need to develop solid sales skills and a clearly defined sales strategy has never been more imperative than in today’s highly competitive marketplace. So, if you’re not ready to compete – you’re not ready to sell. So it follows that we must develop our sales skills and strategy to win against the competition. Remember, the will to win is not nearly as important as the will to prepare to win.

So – what sets you apart from your competition? It’s probably the single most important question that any organization in a competitive market needs to answer. The thing you want your customers to say about you. The thing you want your prospects to think about you.

Quote 'the bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten'.

In a crowded marketplace, it may seem that price wars are inevitable. But slashing prices to beat the competition will hurt your credibility, brand image, and margin more than it helps.

Value, not price, is almost always the most critical factor in a purchasing decision. Having a valuable product is one thing, but having the ability to sell value is what will set you apart in a sea of cheaper competitors.

Value always trumps cost ………unless you’re buying plain old salt or sugar.

Good selling!

Jennifer Starchuk headshot


Written by Jennifer Starchuk joined P.L. Light Systems in 2017 and is the Manager of Customer Experience & Procurement. Jennifer brings over 25 years of sales and management experience from the industrial automotive and electronics industries.